What a wonderful day we had at Sunshine Village today

This week is entirely dedicated to the sense of touch, through the whole week we have been feeling experiencing how things feel on our skin. Today we started with a feather and a pine cone and ended up in the schoolyard walking on the wet grass to get a sense of how it feels on our feet and walking on...

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Arts & Crafts Thursday

[06/11/2020 ????? ?????] The activity that was supposed to be for Wednesday was done today, since the kids went out to the park and play yesterday.We had a fun and colorful morning today. After a little chitchat and review with the kids about the shells, we let them made their own cute shell cards. We called it “the home of...

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What Great day in Sunshine

We start our class with Sing and dance the kids love the Pinnochio dance. Today we ask them what do they do in the park asking themWhat do day see in the park? Do they see a bird and a stone. Shin: Yes and many treesNana: stone yes, birds ahh noLego: we play at the parkAnd other kids also say...

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We start with sing and dance

Today, we start are class with Sing and dance. Kids are getting along and dance with every beat of the song. Having a short story about ” Where the rocks came from”. Asking them where they can see the rocks? Do the rocks get hungry? Do they eat?. We used the projector and let them imagine what do they see...

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A short story about the Plane

[06/9/20] (Stream class) The children have a short story about the Plane. They are amazed when they saw the video of a plane and they like it very much. l ask them if they are happy about the story. If you are a plane, what will you do?The kids imagined and played that they ride in the plane. I’m there...

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????? ????? talked about the ??? ??????

[06/09/2020 Tuesday] Today we had a fun and short story. We listen again to the shells at the very beginning. Children are having fun when we shared ideas and cute little stories about our shells. The kids were able to imagine that they could create other stuffs using the shells. Mia said she made a “car shell”. Ga said he...

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