The path of a happy child: why does SSV build a happy child?
A truly happy child always understands what they need, what they lack, and what they want. With a concept as ephemeral as ‘happiness,’ a happy child needs a carefully crafted path to truly understand themselves. There is no one true standard for happiness, and happiness is entirely different for each individual.
Sunshine Village does not guarantee that a child, as you imagine, will live in wealth and status. Instead, Sunshine aims for a happy child who always trusts their own path, loves themselves and everything around them, and has the courage to understand, not easily swayed by the words and judgments of others.
And then, as the child matures, continuing to build their own experiences as they grow, that is the ultimate goal of Sunshine Village: A RESILIENT CHILD.
What is success? Why does happiness come with success?
If you define a happy and successful child based on material wealth, then perhaps this does not align with what Sunshine Village aims for. Success means maturity and freedom. Maturity is when, whether rich or poor, no matter the living conditions, people can still find happiness in every moment. Your success is a measure of your own happiness, entirely independent of what others say. So, as long as you impose societal standards of happiness and success on the child, they will never reach ‘their own’ happiness and success.
Regardless of a child’s starting point, they will always believe and find happiness in their own personal development, acknowledging those efforts even if they are small changes. At that moment, Sunshine Village believes the child has both happiness and success.
How SSV’s teaching method can lead children to happiness and success
At Sunshine, children are always encouraged to be true to themselves through teaching and behavior in a non-comparative and non-judgmental environment. No matter the abilities, no matter the world outside, children know where they stand. We place the highest value on children exploring and expressing themselves naturally.
Authenticity brings happiness, as children can confidently answer the questions: “How am I progressing?” and “Am I successful on the path I’ve chosen?” At this point, your child doesn’t need to worry about societal pressure or judgment from others; they themselves will recognize what they are lacking and gradually improve themselves, happily.